Signing by the customer of acceptance certificate does not deprive the customer of his right to demand correction by the contractor of defects found in completed milestones after the acceptance of works. 业主签署验收证书并不免除业主要求承包商修复工程验收后在竣工里程碑中发现的缺陷的权利。
The warranty period shall be 12 months counting from the date on which the buyer, the end-user and the seller sign the Certificate of Final Acceptance of the Contract Goods. 保证期自买方,最终用户和卖方签署合同货物最终验收证书之日起十二个月。
This health certificate can be submitted after receiving the letter of acceptance from TUT. 健康证明书亦可于接到本校之录取通知信函时寄缴。
The validity period of the license certificate of export and import goods declared in advance shall be counted according to the date of the customs acceptance of the declaration. 验核提前申报的进出口货物许可证件有效期以海关接受申报之日为准。